Ambient Piano Christmas Volume 2

Nathan Speir

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The clean and simple elegance of ambient piano radiates new original music for Christmas written and performed by Nathan Speir in his second volume of Ambient Piano Christmas.

Ambient Piano Christmas Volume 2 is a sequel album to Ambient Piano Christmas Volume 1 with several personal religious reflections of the season from Nathan Speir. Below, in

The clean and simple elegance of ambient piano radiates new original music for Christmas written and performed by Nathan Speir in his second volume of Ambient Piano Christmas.

Ambient Piano Christmas Volume 2 is a sequel album to Ambient Piano Christmas Volume 1 with several personal religious reflections of the season from Nathan Speir. Below, in his own words, Nathan Speir shares some insight about the tracks on this album:

This new solo piano album is full of original compositions this time with the exception of two tracks: Adaptation for Kontakion of the Nativity (originating from an ancient Byzantine hymn of the Christian Orthodox Church) and Huron Carol Adaptation (from the traditional Canadian carol).

When The Snow Began To Glisten begins the album with an optimistic seasonal picture of winter beauty. Then the solo piano version of Warmth In Winter paints a quintessential feeling of warmth and joy that is possible for us to have because of "Christ" in Christmas. Next is a cinematic piece, A Fervent Winter Guide, about the three magi following the Star of Bethlehem and the parallel that we can choose to follow the Light of Christ in our life instead of the wisdom of the world in its winter of darkness without God. Following is If The Star Was An Angel based on one tradition of the Orthodox Church that suggests the Star of Bethlehem was actually the Archangel Gabriel; it is in this context Nathan created this piece with a fascination for the possibility of entertaining angels unknown to us, in our lives. The two cover tracks follow, and then the solo piano version of Humble Holy Healer, who is the infant Jesus Christ born in a humble manger, God incarnate, and healer of mankind. Second to last on the album is Embers Still Remain with the image of remaining warmth, light, and hope that is apparent at the end of a vigilant house fire in the late hours of the night; also, the remembrance of many lonely souls who have the hardest time with depression during the "holiday season".

Pastoral Winter Joy is the finale ending on a positive tone with the joy that we all may have through winter, the year, our life.

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